
Welcome to the Violafest webpage!

Join us for the twelfth annual  Violafest Los Angeles on Sunday, April 15, 2018! We are very excited to announce our new partnership with Los Angeles City College, in the heart of LA. Violists of all levels from the fourth through the twelfth grades and adult auditors are invited to a day devoted to the viola. Come learn about the instrument, gain new skills, build camaraderie, meet new friends, and be inspired in a unique community of violists. Click here for previous video footage of Violafest 2017.
The 2018 ViolaFest Signature Recital and Masterclass will be given by the prominent international violist Karen Dreyfus. Special Topics classes will be led by top educators and performers from Southern California, who hail from the Colburn School and USC faculties as well as the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, Las Vegas Philharmonic, and Los Angeles Opera. 
Adult amateurs, educators, and parents may join ViolaFest as auditors. Auditors may attend all classes and observe the Signature Recital, Masterclass, and Gala Performance.   Violinists are also welcome to join for ViolaFest! There will be a limited number of violas will be available for the day for violinists to participate — please contact for more information. 
Summer Festival Scholarships will be awarded to deserving ViolaFest participants who submit a recording for the Master Class selection. Please see Masterclass and Scholarship pages for more information. 

Register Online Now, click here.